I refer you to the top screen to enjoy how chubby and cuddly and cute that plushy pikachu is. It's a celebration of genwun, and as a stalwart genwunner, I approve. But I can work at whatever desk I want, mum, I'm 30 now! It comes from three sets, the Pokémon Kids' Study, Pokémon Kids' Room and Pokémon Toys sets. This is all technically for kids, I guess. I was cooing over them in pigeon-y delight when, a few pages deeper in Nynaeve's creations on archive site The Sims Resource, I stumbled across a bunch of great pokémon crap. Ravasheen recommended NynaeveDesign for great plant work, and lo - Nynaeve does great plants.
This week she (I) was poking around for some nice potted plants to download for some ongoing build projects, and found a list of recommended custom content makers by Ravasheen, the creator from my first 'custom content of the week' post.